There are still some problems that Jane still experiences, but it is not due to OsteoStrong. Since being a part of the OsteoStrong family, she’s had nothing but positive outcomes!
She found out about OsteoStrong through an article in the LA Times. The center was close to where she lived, so she decided to sign up and check it out.
Since being a part of OsteoStrong, Dennis says he feels better and is more active. He enjoys playing several rounds of golf and taking his dog for walks pain-free. Several times a year, he’d get quite a few shots in his back to help manage the pain.
However, Mike also knew that what they were doing was right. He said, “it’s like this feeling you get when you know that you’re doing what you’re supposed to do, but you are still scared of the process.”
Owning an OsteoStrong has given Mike a unique opportunity to just his members’ sessions. He’s had the most remarkable results with eliminating his lower back pain.
Jeanne is avoiding taking Fosamax by coming to OsteoStrong for her Osteoporosis.
Being almost seventy now, it was around eight years ago when Jeanne’s doctor noticed she was slipping into Osteoporosis early stages.
Bobbie Jo found out about OsteoStrong through an Instagram ad that had popped up on her feed. Once Bobbie Jo started attending, she never missed a session before OsteoStrong daily functioning was complex like walking, handling scissors, knives, and even doorknobs.
Beth drives forty-five minutes each way to get to her OsteoStrong sessions. She does this because of how inviting and supportive everyone is at the center.
Mike credits his wife Christine for all the great success in their life. Having four kids, she worked hard to ensure everything was healthy and stable in their family. She experienced low energy and strength and a very weak core