The Best Relaxation Move You’ve Never Heard Of
by Nina Semczuk
Most of us don’t have time to practice a restorative yoga sequence to wind down before bed, as much as we know how it’d help us relax and fall asleep faster. While the benefits are many — slower heart rate, the rest and digest side of the nervous system flipped, an easier time falling asleep, to name a few — it’s not something many of us work into a daily routine. Luckily, there is one pose that gives you almost all of the benefits of a full practice, that can be practiced virtually anywhere, by anyone. Best of all, it’s simple. Many yoga teachers use this pose after traveling to restore calm. Others use this as a transition to signal to their bodies; it’s time for sleep, not movement. The multipurpose posture is viparita karani, or, legs up the wall posture.
Another option is to do a version of this posture in bed. If you find yourself tossing and turning or your mind spinning, as long as there’s a wall on one side of the bed, you can prop your legs up it, with a pillow under your seat, and let the blood and tension drain from your legs. Breathe into your abdomen and feel your belly expand on your inhale and deflate on your exhale.
Give viparita karani a try. It’s a fun, easy option whenever you feel like you need a bit of calm, or when you can’t fall asleep.