What Do You Know About Your Bone Strength?

What do you know about your bone health?
Nobody ever talks or teaches you the importance of your overall bone strength.
I certainly didn’t understand the significance until I started working at OsteoStrong.
What’s interesting is our skeletal system, which is the foundation of our bodies.
Here at OsteoStrong, we are helping the foundation of your body by assisting with building proper bone strength.
Proper bone strength is the same as understanding that you wouldn’t build a house without making the foundation first.
I am seeing people going through menopause, such as incredibly fit, healthy gorgeous women in their 50s and 60s who have lived a life of clean eating and working out with a trainer five days a week, showing up with Osteoporosis.
They are completely bewildered by their diagnosis, and the thing is, that’s going to happen. You can be genetically predisposed.
Poor bone health can also happen when you have hormone imbalances or if you grew up on processed foods.
We have people in their thirties coming in with Osteopenia simply because of that it’s going to leech the nutrients out of your bones, and that’s information people don’t know.
Even if you go to a chiropractor, they aren’t talking to you about supplements for strong bones, or they aren’t even aware of the technology that exists to strengthen the skeletal system.
I realized how important it is to build from your foundation because when your bones get stronger, everything else gets stronger!
With OsteoStrong, your tendons, muscles, ligaments, and all the connective tissue down bones become stronger.
If you have an injury, you need to attack it from the core, and that’s what we’re doing here at OsteoStrong.
You can come in for preventative measures or address an existing condition.