OsteoStrong is NOT isometrics. Work smarter with OsteoStrong.

Why work harder with isometrics when you can work smarter with OsteoStrong?
While isometrics are currently all the rage, OsteoStrong has utilized the latest and greatest research to go beyond the status quo and straight to you, your health needs, and your quality of life.
When I describe OsteoStrong to people, especially people who have a fitness background, I try to help them understand the truth behind our work. At OsteoStrong, we help you get into a biomechanically optimal position to emulate high-impact force. That is much harder to say than you think. When I describe OsteoStrong to our customers, they often reply, “Oh, isometrics. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Those have been around for decades.”
OsteoStrong is not isometrics. OsteoStrong is not like any service you have ever experienced before.
The most common isometric exercises that people like to reference are wall sits, when you bend your knees down, your thighs are parallel to the ground, your back is to the wall, and you hold that form until your muscles fatigue. There is nothing wrong with that! However, the limitation with isometrics, in comparison to OsteoStrong, is that you are still only supporting one gravitational amount of force, one G. In this exercise, you are not actually creating any type of force that stimulates the development of bones and muscles.
When you experience OsteoStrong, your brain naturally tries to fit our services into a paradigm that you currently understand or have experienced. We often hear our customers say, “Is this fitness? Is this isometrics? What is it?” Those questions are one of the reasons why we give everyone who is curious about OsteoStrong an opportunity to experience a free session. We know that until you experience OsteoStrong, there is no paradigm that your brain can easily slip our services into.
The OsteoStrong experience is brand new, high-tech, and emulates high impact forces on your musculoskeletal system in many multiples of your body weight.
One of my favorite things to do is take a customer through a session using a specialized device that looks like a leg press. While you are sitting down, your feet are on a plate as you start imposing force. Oftentimes, we have customers who are between the ages of 60-70 that can be intimidated by the equipment and techniques. Even though they do not fully understand the science behind OsteoStrong, they are still able to impose several hundred pounds of force in just a few seconds. They had no idea they were that strong! We know that your first session at OsteoStrong will feel like your 50th or 100th session. There is no difference between the frequencies because the results are always equally successful.
When you look at the biofeedback screens, the amount of force that you are able to generate consistently goes up over time. You are getting stronger and stronger every time. Your bones continue to get stronger. Your muscles continue to get stronger. Finally, OsteoStrong starts translating into more of your daily life.
It is always amazing to hear stories of people who can objectively see the OsteoStrong regulars improve their daily lives. Recently, one client said, “Oh my gosh! My mom just slammed the car trunk after she had her arm full of groceries and then walked up the stairs on her own. She has not been able to do that in so long!” Another deeply sentimental experience our staff consistently reports is satisfied customers who are now able to play with their grandkids, start playing tennis again, or even resume competing in the Senior Olympics. We even had one client that shared that they are now able to hit a golf ball 15 yards further than they ever have before.
Everything that we do at OsteoStrong translates back into the life that you want. This is the life that you want to live. You can live free of pain, gain back your mobility, improve your posture, look and feel younger, and regain your former strength. You no longer have to fear fractures or injuries.
OsteoStrong is changing the world, and it is anything but isometrics.